Don’t Forget to Clear Fire Hydrants of Snow!

The National Weather Service is currently predicting 16 – 22 inches of snow from 1/31/21 – 2/2/21 (SOURCE).

Please don’t forget to clear snow from any fire hydrants near your home. Snow prevents firefighters from accessing hydrants in a timely manner in case of an emergency. Make sure all snow within in 3 feet radius is cleared and that there is a path from the fire hydrant to the street. Do your part so the firefighters can do theirs!

See Santa Drive By On The Fire Truck!

The Haworth Fire Department will be escorting Santa Claus through the streets of Haworth on Sunday 12/20 beginning at 12 Noon. Due to the COVID pandemic this year will be a little different.  We are trying our best to remain socially distant but still allow everyone to get a glimpse of Santa Claus.  We welcome you to come out of your homes and wave to Santa and his helpers as we are passing by.

Santa’s helpers will remain on their trucks and will not be distributing candy canes as we have in the past.  We will not be collecting toys or accepting any donations in person. Anyone interested in making a donation may do so by mail to the Hardenburgh Firehouse, 71 Hardenburgh Avenue.    

Happy Holidays!

Carbon Monoxide Safety

Learn What to Do

Every day, we count on heating systems to warm our homes and businesses, stoves to cook our meals, hot water heaters to warm our showers, and lawn mowers and snow blowers to keep our surroundings manicured and clear.

Most of the time, fuel-burning appliances and equipment work as expected to make our lives easier and more convenient. But when they don’t work as they should, or are used improperly, they can cause a dangerous buildup of carbon monoxide (CO) in the air.

You cannot see or smell CO, but small amounts are in the air whenever fuel is burned. These amounts are usually not harmful, but when too much builds up it can cause CO poisoning, which can be deadly.

While CO poisoning is a year-round threat, it is more common in cold weather when fuel-burning heating equipment is in use. Be familiar with the symptoms of CO poisoning, including headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, and confusion. They can occur immediately or gradually after long-term exposure. 

If you think there are high levels of CO in your home or business, go outside! If there is a medical emergency, such as someone falling unconscious, take the person outside to fresh air and then call 911. Wait outside or go to a neighbor’s until help arrives. 

CO poisoning is dangerous, but there are simple things you can do to reduce your risk:

  • Make sure all fuel-burning appliances and equipment are maintained and operate properly. Improperly vented fireplaces can also give off CO.
  • Install a CO detector in every area of your home. They can provide an early warning before CO builds up to dangerous levels.
  • Never use ovens or clothes dryers for heating. 
  • Do not allow vehicles, snow blowers, lawn mowers or any gasoline-powered engine to idle in a garage – especially if the garage is attached to your home or business. CO can drift inside and create a hazardous situation

At PSE&G, safety is our top priority. That’s why we want you to be aware of the danger that high levels of CO can create and take steps to prevent CO poisoning. To learn more, go to